Monday, September 9, 2013

Syria: The Ultimate American Headache

The reason I haven't visited this blog for so long is because I've been turning the Syrian dilemma over in my head, trying to form a solid opinion.
No, honestly I've just been doing homework and playing a lot of video games.  And truth be told, I cannot decisively give my opinion on U.S intervention in Syria, because I don't have one.  (ikr, shocker).

This may seem similar to an earlier post I made concerning the country, because as of now I still have not made up my mind.  However, new dramatic things have happened since then.  As you know, the Assad regime has used chemical weapons on the rebels, and Obama is asking for congress's approval for military action.

First off, props to Obama for not simply rushing in and fucking us up.  The last thing we need is another Iraq.  Obama knows that however (notice the asking of congress, the no boots on the ground), hopefully we can be a little cleaner the second time around.  Also notable differences:  Obama is (hopefully) not lying to us about Assad's use of chemical weapons, as Bush did about Sadam Hussein's possession of weapons of mass destruction.  Also, there is no economic incentive for us (no evil ulterior motives), and we will be less disruptive as the country is already a warzone.

That being said, there is also no 9/11 to enrage the public.  That means that if Congress gives Obama the green light to missilize the Syrian government, the American people will be pissed.  As they should be, war is bad.  Sometimes it's necessary, but war is bad and should be avoided at all possible costs.

That's why I think a slow calculated approach is the right approach.  

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