Monday, September 16, 2013


Words are not actions.  Just as you can think whatever you, because we have freedom of speech in the U.S we should also be able to say whatever we want, as long as we don't act on our threats.  
       After briefly attending STLCC for a summer class I was put on their email list, to my shock these are the emails I have been receiving in the last month.  This is such a blatant over reaction to some girl's empty threats (honestly how many of us feel like going on angry rants when our financial aid is denied), and this poor girl's life will be so adversely affect by this despicable infringement of our fundamental rights.
        Speech should not be restricted, its time we started to take a stand against things such as this.

Stand up for Justin Carter as well as this poor, anonymous girl would couldn't figure out how to get financial aid at her community college.    

These are the infuriating emails I have received so far:

1.  "We are letting you know that we have contacted the student who made a threatening Tweet regarding frustration with the Financial Aid process. She has turned herself in to the Kirkwood Police Department, where she is being held in custody pending charges.

We will provide further information as we work with local law enforcement authorities. The Meramec campus Financial Aid office has reopened with an increased police presence. St. Louis Community College has a no-tolerance policy on any threats of violence. The safety and security of all our students, faculty, staff and visitors is our top priority." 

2.  "Per the St. Louis County prosecuting attorney’s office, the student who made a threatening Tweet has been released from custody pending application for a warrant, which we have been advised will be completed Thursday, Aug. 29.  The student has been told she cannot return to any St. Louis Community College location.

Again, St. Louis Community College has a no-tolerance policy on threats of violence.  Your safety and security are our top priority."

3.  "We promised to update you on the status of the Meramec student who made violent threats toward his Lindbergh High School alumni group on Facebook. The student remains in police custody and has been charged with “making a terrorist threat with reckless disregard of risk.” Bail has been set at $25,000 cash-only bond.

Again, even though the threats were not directed at any STLCC person or facility, we felt it was important to share the information with you, in the interests of ensuring the safety and security of our students, faculty, staff and visitors. If you see behavior on campus that is strange or concerns you, contact campus police immediately. IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING!"

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Personal Conspiracy Theory

The United States might have jumped into Syria even without Assad's use of chemical weapons, maybe Assad purposely revealed his chemical arsenal in an attempt to use it as leverage in a diplomatic negotiation (with its long term ally Russia) to prevent other countries from interfering in its civil war.

The chemical weapons were just there so they would have something to concede to the rest of the world and seem cooperative.      

Monday, September 9, 2013

Syria: The Ultimate American Headache

The reason I haven't visited this blog for so long is because I've been turning the Syrian dilemma over in my head, trying to form a solid opinion.
No, honestly I've just been doing homework and playing a lot of video games.  And truth be told, I cannot decisively give my opinion on U.S intervention in Syria, because I don't have one.  (ikr, shocker).

This may seem similar to an earlier post I made concerning the country, because as of now I still have not made up my mind.  However, new dramatic things have happened since then.  As you know, the Assad regime has used chemical weapons on the rebels, and Obama is asking for congress's approval for military action.

First off, props to Obama for not simply rushing in and fucking us up.  The last thing we need is another Iraq.  Obama knows that however (notice the asking of congress, the no boots on the ground), hopefully we can be a little cleaner the second time around.  Also notable differences:  Obama is (hopefully) not lying to us about Assad's use of chemical weapons, as Bush did about Sadam Hussein's possession of weapons of mass destruction.  Also, there is no economic incentive for us (no evil ulterior motives), and we will be less disruptive as the country is already a warzone.

That being said, there is also no 9/11 to enrage the public.  That means that if Congress gives Obama the green light to missilize the Syrian government, the American people will be pissed.  As they should be, war is bad.  Sometimes it's necessary, but war is bad and should be avoided at all possible costs.

That's why I think a slow calculated approach is the right approach.