Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How Missouri Does State Fairs

    Video of the event

Now you've probably heard about this situation, its been all over the media the last couple of days.  A Taiwanese exchange student filmed a video from his cellphone at some backwoods nowhere land of Missouri where a rodeo-clown was impersonating president Obama.
Now, first off I should say that as far as presidents go, I think Obama has done a fantastic job.  Sure he frustrates me sometimes, but on the majority of issues I agree with him.  However, that does not mean I'm about to go screaming bloody murder and racism like every other liberal seems to be doing at the moment.
There are people out there who are likening this tasteless prank to actions of the KKK.  I think that comparison is disgraceful to all the innocent blacks who were lynched and beaten back when real violent racism abounded.
Why are people upset?  It's not like this is the first time a president has been mocked or humiliated, the art of poking fun at presidents goes back to the very beginning, its a fundamental byproduct of democracy.  In fact, from what I can recall we made fun of Bush in a much more vile manner (not that he didn't probably deserve it), but that's besides the point.  What I'm trying to say is that dressing up like presidents and goofing off at rodeos is a part of our culture, it will never go away and never should go away.
I think a better indicator of how much racism still exists in this country is actually how little mockery Obama has received when compared to previous presidents.  Even people who disagree with Obama often refrain from voicing their opinions on subconscious fear that they might seem racist.  That does not condone a healthy democracy.
In an ideal world of course, people wouldn't make fun of presidents, they would only make fun of the presidents stand on specific issues and then engage in rational debates on the subject.  But in a rodeo, and especially in my home state of Missouri, they are gonna roll around on the dirt regardless of who is president so who can blame them for expressing their political views in the only way they know.      

Satires of Bush

Satires of Romney

Satires of Clinton

Satires of Obama

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