Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Injustice to Justin Carter

The big news right now is the Trayvon Martin case the and the acquittal of George Zimmerman, but I believe an even bigger american injustice is the treatment of Justin Carter.
      Justin Carter, a nineteen year old kid, was having an argument with his friend on facebook about a videogame.

      Friend (paraphrased): "You're crazy!"
      Justin Carter:  "Oh yeah, i'm so messed up in the head, i'm going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still beating hearts.  Lol.  Jk!"
      Now as a teenage boy I can testify that things like this are said on a daily basis.  Just a little while ago I sent an email to my friend with "go fuck yourself with a razor blade, jk" at the end of the message.  Completely in jest, he was not offended.  It's almost a game among us, to see who can come up with the most violent, descriptive and offensive things to say.
      The only difference between me and Justin Carter, is that i'm lucky and he lives in Texas.  Also, I don't have some stalker in Canada reading all my facebook posts and sending complaints to the local police.  Justin was arrested, jailed, and held at 500,000 bail.  Fortunately an anonymous donor met this price, and he is free right now, but he could go back to jail any moment and face up too eight years in prison.  That is a third of his life, for saying one sarcastic joke, he even tagged 'just kidding'  for clarification!
      The most destructive element of terrorism, is the fear it creates.  That is the secrete weapon terrorists have that as Americans, we are falling victim to.  Why do you think the bombs at the Boston Marathon were designed to amputate limbs but leave victims alive to tell of the terrors?  Wire taps, wars with innocent countries, the stockpiling of my personal information, I can tolerate all that, but by infringing on our freedom of speech the government has taken a step too far.
      If you can be arrested for what you say on facebook, the beautiful wild place that is the internet will soon be turned into a polite society of terrified citizens.  Even if the majority of people aren't prosecuted for what they say, the fact that one faces eight years in jail will make everyone more cautious.  The government doesn't have to monitor all of us, it is enough that we know that we can be arrest for what we say, if so we will be too afraid to speak our mind.
       Honestly what Justin said isn't even the worst statement on the internet, I doubt it's even close.  Compare his words to that of common pop rappers in the mainstream culture of the youth....
           Eminem:  Well since age twelve, I've felt like I'm someone else
                          Cause I hung my original self from the top bunk with a belt
                          Got pissed off and ripped Pamela Lee's tits off
                         And smacked her so hard I knocked her clothes backwards like Kris Kross

           Tyler the Creator: I'll Crash that fucking airplane that that faggot nigga B.o.B is in
                                       And stab Bruno Mars in his goddamn esophagus
                                       And won't stop until the cops come in 
           Game:  Wolf Grey Jordans use his intestines for the strings
                        Snatch up Rihanna and throw her in front of a fucking train 
                        Sniff a fucking unemployment line of cocaine
                        Tie Lil B up to a full tank of propane  

I don't see any of those individuals facing eight years in prison for what they said in their songs?
Christ, sometimes I want to bomb the capital of Texas and eat the still beating hearts of whoever created this crackpot justice system. 

Lol Jk 


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