Wednesday, May 1, 2013


So seriously, as often as they talk about it on NPR I feel like i'm rather ill informed when it comes to this global crisis, the only thing I know is that no one can agree on what to do about it.
       So there's an ethnic war, between the minority in control of the government (and weapons etc) and the oppressed racial majority who are fed up and would like to eradicate the ruling class from the world.  Lovely right.  But it's not that simple because there are Chemical weapons involved, and the U.S obviously doesn't side with the Syrian ruling class cause they have been doing various heinous things, but on the other hand it doesn't want to arm the rebels and risk creating another Taliban.
       Actually repeating past mistakes seems to be high in the minds of every American, no one wants another wasteful Iraq war, but many people more experienced than I argue that the two countries can't be compared.
       But it is still war, and I think American interference will probably only raise the death toll...I think.  But i'm really not informed well enough, all I know is that we should try to avoid at all costs repeating the mistakes of the past.
       But maybe this is a war we actually should be involved in, unlike the Iraq war.  The difference is Obama doesn't have the public's support the way Bush did when he fed off of 9/11, so becoming involved in the Syrian conflict might be more difficult.  Which again, might be a good thing.

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